Lots of flights take place from Bangladesh to various destinations worldwide daily. Chittagong to Kolkata flight is one of them. Do you want to know to have detailed information about Chittagong to Kolkata flight schedule? If yes, you are in the right place. I want to inform you that there are mainly two agencies that fly from Chittagong to Kolkata. One is Special Jet, and another one is Bangladesh Airlines. All the information is available below.
It is very important to know the light schedule you want to go to unless there is a great probability of falling into great danger. So if you want to set out from Chittagong to Chennai, you have to know Chittagong to Kolkata flight schedule. Here I have gathered the Special Jet flight schedule below.
ON Days | Flight Name | Take OFF | Landing |
Tuesday | SpiceJet 74 | 12:30 pm | 1:10 pm |
Sat, Sun, Thu | SpiceJet 74 | 01:50 pm | 2:20 pm |
Biman Bangladesh Airlines also has flights on Chittagong to Kolkata route. BG-412 and BG-4091 are the flight names, and the flights set out only on Thursday. For more information, read the following table carefully.
ON Days | Flight Name | Take OFF | Landing |
Thu | BG-412 | 09:05 am | 01:00 pm |
Thu | BG-4091 | 01:00 pm | 01:30 pm |
If you want to know Chittagong to Kolkata Biman Bangladesh Airlines ticket price, it is the best article. I have arranged here three types of ticket prices for Biman Bangladesh airline.
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