If you want to travel from Chitttaogng to Kuala Lumpur, Biman Bangladesh Airlines will be the best for you. Here I will share with you Chitttaogng to Kuala Lumpur flight schedule and ticket price. I want to inform you that the flight time from Chittagong to Kuala Lumpur is 3 hours 37 minutes, and the distance is approximately 2420 kilometers. The rest information is given below.
Are you searching for information about Chittagong to Kuala Lumpur US-Bangla flight schedule? Don’t worry, I am working for you, and here I have arranged all the flight schedules for the US Bangla. Look over the table and collect all the information.
Days | Flight Name | Take OFF | Landing |
Tue, Thu | US-Bangla | 04:30 pm | 02:00 am |
Here I have arranged Chittagong to Kuala Lumpur US-Bangla air ticket prices. There are three categories of tickets arranged here.
Chittagong to Kuala Lumpur is an important destination for Biman Bangladesh Airlines. You should know that Biman Bangladesh has two flights on the route, and the flight dates are on only Friday and Tuesday. To get the remaining information, focus on the following table.
Days | Flight Name | Take OFF | Landing |
Fri, Tue | Biman BG-418 | 06:30 pm | 07:15 pm |
Biman BG-086 | 12:10 am | 06:00 am |
To travel from Chittagong to Kuala Lumpur by Biman Bangladesh airline, you must have to book a seat, so you have to purchase a ticket. Here is a ticket and it is an Economy Flexible class, and you have to pay only 43,298 Tk.