Information about Chittagong to Muscat Flight schedule as well as their ticket prices are available here. People search for airline information, but it is not easy to get information about the flight schedule and ticket prices of Dhaka to Kolkata flights. So they remain unable to find all the information. If you are one of them, then this will be the best article for you. Here I will discuss detailed information like the flight names, ticket prices, their take-off and landing time, and so on.
To travel from Chittagong to Muscat, you must know details about the flight schedule on the route. So today I am here with all the information about Chittagong to Muscat’s flight schedule. I want to inform you that there are 8 flights taking place on the route. If you are so much interested in getting detailed information, then look below.
ON Days | Flight Name | Take OFF | Landing |
Wed | SalamAir 408 | 01:15 pm | 04:45 pm |
Tue, Fri | Oman Air 312 | 01:30 pm | 05:15 pm |
Mon, Fri, Sat | SalamAir 408 | 04:45 pm | 08:15 pm |
Wed, Thu | Us- Bangla BS323 | 08:30 pm | 11:30 pm |
Thu, Fri | Biman BG-121 | 09:30 pm | 12:45 am |
Wed, Thu | Biman BG-418 | 06:30 pm | 09:15 pm |
Mon, Wed, Thu | Biman BG-021 | 09:45 pm | 00:45 |
Mon | Biman BG-416 | 03:10 pm | 05:55 |
US-Bangla Airlines has mainly two categories of flight prices; Flexi Plus and Business Saver. The two tickets are highly valued, but both lights are enjoyable.
Biman Bangladesh Airlines is another airline. I have arranged here three types of ticket prices for Biman Bangladesh Airlines. The ticket prices are lower than those of US Bangla Airlines.
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