Maybe you want to make a journey from Rajshahi to Dhaka, and this is why you are here to get all the information about Rajshahi to Dhaka flight schedules and their ticket prices. If my guess is right then, I want to give the good news that you are at the exact place. All the information about the topic is available here. Just start to read the article from top to bottom and collect all the information that you need.
I have arranged all the information about Rajshahi to Dhaka flight schedules and their ticket prices in detail to all the information about any air trip. I have given all the flight schedules in the following box and the information on air ticket prices at the last of the article. So not to waste time, start reading.
US Bangla Airline is one of the best Airlines. It serves the best services and facilities to its customers and makes the trip enjoyable. In Rajshahi to Dhaka route, US Bangla Airlines has only 2 flights. For more information, keep reading the following table carefully.
OFF Day | Flight Name | Take OFF | Landing |
NO | BS-162 | 11:20 | 12:05 |
BS-164 | 17:40 | 18:25 |
If you want to know about NovoAir Flight schedules, then this article is for you. in this passage, you will get all the flight names and take-off and landing time and so on. All the information is arranged here serially.
OFF Days | Flight Name | Take OFF | Landing |
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri | VQ-994 | 17:05 | 17:50 |
Sat, Sun, Mon | VQ-994 | 17:15 | 18:00 |
If you want to travel from Rajshahi to Dhaka via airplane, you must know the air ticket for each flight. This is why I have gathered all the ticket prices of all flights flying from the Rajshahi to Dhaka route. Just keep your eyes below and collect all the information that you need.
I have tried to arranged here all the information Rajshahi to Dhaka Flight Schedule & Air Ticket Price. I hope you will be benefitted a lot from the article. If you want to get more information, knock us or visit our page.