Maybe you have already made a plane to travel from Chittagong To Cox’s Bazar, which is why you are here to know the essential information you need to travel from Chittagong To Cox’s Bazar. If I am right, you are in the right place. Here I have arranged all the Chittagong To Cox’s Bazar flight schedules and their take-off and landing time and so on. For more information about the topic, stay with us.
I want to inform you that there are three flights on Chittagong To Guangzhou route; NovoAir, Biman Bangladesh, US-Bangla. Here you should know that all the airlines will stop in Dhaka. Rest information is available below.
Airlines | Stops | Duration |
NovoAir | Dhaka | 2h 30m+ |
Biman Bangladesh | Dhaka | 3h 40m+ |
US-Bangla | Dhaka | 4h 20m+ |
Some of the category tickets are available here. So choose which one you like. The lowest ticket price is 7600 Tk, and the highest price is 17,200 Tk. To get more information, focus on the below.
I always try to make the article free from mistakes and errors and try to add updated information to make proper use of the information. Here I have gathered all the flights and ticket prices on a certain route. For more information, stay with us.